Partner Visas

Partner Visas

Partner Visas

There’s nothing more important than spending time with the ones you love. At PocketLegal, we understand how important it is for you to join your partner in Australia permanently and as quickly as possible.

Is a Partner Visa right for me?

In order to apply for this kind of visa, either you or your partner must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident.

As well as this, your partner and yourself must either be:

  • Married;
  • In a de facto relationship, or;
  • Intending to marry shortly

If you don’t meet these requirements, but are currently employed by an Australian business, then consider applying for a sponsored work visa while your relationship progresses.

Whether you are married, de facto, or planning to get married, our migration lawyers will handle your partner visa end to end, so you can stay in Australia without the worry.

The information on this page relates just as much for couples in same sex or heterosexual relationships. You can also read our page dedicated to same sex partner visas here.

Can children be included in a Partner Visa?

If you have children aged under 17 years of age, they can be included in your partner visa. Children aged 18 years or older, can be included if they remain dependent on you. We can help you demonstrate this in your application.

Do you need to be married to apply?

If you and your partner are in a defacto, you can apply for a partner visa on that basis. You will need to must meet the specific eligibility requirements for a defacto relationship.

Popular Visas

Onshore Partner – Subclass 820

Stay with your partner in Australia permanently. Lodging whilst you’re both in Australia means means you can start your life together here, even while your visa is being processed. Partner visas can often take up to two years to process, so our migration agents can help you apply for working and travel rights while you wait.

Offshore Partner – Subclass 309

If your partner is unable to travel to Australia, or isn’t ready to move just yet, you can apply for an offshore partner visa. Your partner must be outside Australia when you apply for the visa, and also when the visa is granted.

Prospective Marriage – Subclass 300

What if you and your partner are about to get married? The prospective marriage visa is a temporary nine month visa that will let you and your partner reunite in Australia before the ceremony. You will need to have made arrangements for the marriage before you apply, but the wedding does not need to be in Australia.